Saturday 3 October 2020

Approaching Eye Level · Vivian Gornick

The cover of Approaching Eye Level by Vivian Gornick (Daunt Books) · Books & Latte

Approaching Eye Level by Vivian Gornick is a collection of essays, originally published in 1996. This is a UK edition, published by Daunt Books in August this year. Gornick is one of those authors I have followed for a long time but never read. One day I intend to do something about that. I can already picture a stack of her books that have found their way to my wish list: Unfinished Business: Notes of a Chronic Re-Reader, published last year in which she explores rereading, the essay collection The End of the Novel of Love, and two memoirs, Fierce Attachments and The Odd Woman and the City. Latte, biscotti and Gornick must be a gratifying combination.

Approaching Eye Level
By Vivian Gornick
Paperback, 176 pages
ISBN: 9781911547648
Daunt Books